Sunday, January 26, 2014

Have you ever heard of Alfa Brain Wave ?

Hans Berger discovered Alpha brain waves in 1929 using an eeg machine. They were the first brain waves ever detected, hence named after the first letter in the Greek alphabet – Alpha.Alpha brain waves are not always present, if someone is in deep sleep or in intense anger there are almost no Alpha brain waves.
Alpha brain waves are important for creativity. Scientists have shown that highly creative people have different brain waves from normal and non-creative people. In order to have a creative inspiration your brain needs to be able to generate a big burst of Alpha brain waves. More info
 So guys knowing some tricks you can boost your learning quality .One of the ways is to listen to brain wave music.You may have heard of Bourque .Why Baroque Music? Research reveals that Baroque music pulses between 50 to 80 beats per minute. Baroque music "stabilizes mental, physical and emotional rhythms," according to Chris Boyd Brewer, "to attain a state of deep concentration and focus in which large amounts of content information can be processed and learned."

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